The Xiaomi Redmi Note 7S has been launched in india. The smartphone has a 6.3-inch display and is powered by a snapdragon 660 SoC clocked at 2.2GHz. Xiaomi has aforesaid this smartphone’s 48-megapixel rear camera is that the highlight feature. it’s a dual rear camera setup and a single front camera. This smartphone has a Redmi Note 7S price in india starts at Rs. 10,999. Here’s the way to watch the Xiaomi Redmi Note 7S launch live stream.
Redmi Note 7S specifications
Redmi Note 7S comes in 3 colors — onyx Black, Sapphire Blue, and Ruby Red. Redmi Note 7S ships with a protective case within the box. The Redmi Note 7S features a 48-megapixel sensor at the rear with f/1.8 aperture. Xiaomi claims that the Redmi Note 7S uses a “super pixel” technology that mixes four pixels into one whereas capturing photos. The Redmi Note 7S incorporates a 13-megapixel selfie camera with a waterdrop-style notch that Xiaomi has dubbed “Dot Notch”.
The Redmi Note 7S is supercharged by a Qualcomm flower 660 SoC clocked at a pair of.2GHz and a four,000mAh battery. The Redmi Note 7S incorporates a USB Type-C port. The charger within the Redmi Note 7S box supports QuickCharge a pair of.0 however Xiaomi says you’ll purchase a QuickCharge three.0 or 4.0 charger on Xiaomi’s web site. This smartphone incorporates a three.5mm electro-acoustic transducer jack Associate in Nursingd an IR workman at the highest.
The Redmi Note 7S incorporates a 6.3-inch display with a waterdrop notch, and has Corning gorilla Glass 5 at the front and the back. The device has p2i nano-coating and water-tight seal for a few splash resistance. The smartphone incorporates a fingerprint detector at the rear.
Redmi Note 7S price in India
The Redmi Note 7S price in India is Rs. 10,999 for the 3GB RAM, 32GB storage variant and Rs. 12,999 for the 4GB RAM, 64GB storage variant. It will be available from, Mi Home stores, and Flipkart from May 23.