How to Activate BSNL Or MTNL Mobile Number On DND?

BSNL and MTNL area unit each state-owned medium operators. BSNL is active within the whole of India except Bombay and Old Delhi, wherever its customers mechanically switch to MTNL’s network. obtaining a BSNL or associate MTNL SIM card has identical implications as obtaining the other phone association in Asian country. you’ll be harried by telemarketers with constant spam text messages and calls. you’ll activate DND on BSNL or MTNL to scale back this downside a touch. keep in mind that whereas it’s simple to activate DND on BSNL or MTNL, it is not a foolproof answer to urge eliminate SMS or decision spam. Here’s however you’ll activate DND on BSNL or MTNL.

How to activate DND on BSNL or MTNL via SMS or call

Ideally you ought to simply use TRAI’s suggested ways to activate DND on BSNL or MTNL. This methodology is simple and works on all mobile phones, whether or not it is a smartphone or a feature phone.

you only have to be compelled to send associate SMS or create a telephone to activate DND on BSNL or MTNL. If you follow these steps, you may come through what you began to try to to.

SMS begin zero to the quantity 1909. this can activate full DND on your BSNL or MTNL range.
You may additionally decision 1909 and follow the prompts to activate full DND on your BSNL or MTNL range.

How to activate DND on BSNL or MTNL on-line

There appears to be no thanks to activate DND on BSNL or MTNL on-line on-line. If you recognize one, do allow us to understand via the comments.

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