Apple’s iOS 10 supports RAW shooting

Apple’s new iOS 10 brings countless new options and enhancements(to see that click this link). the foremost positive impressions came from unlocking many default apps and API’s to developers, which can provide far better customization and user experience soon.

The iOS 10’s camera wasn’t showing at the keynote, however because it seems Apple are enabling saving the RAW image in DNG format from the camera’s hardware. It is not clear whether or not this can seem as an choice within the default camera app, however third-party developers are allowed to use it if they need. But already there are many app which can take 3 party apps which can shoot at raw.

RAW shooting on mobiles is not precisely thought, however some people prefer to use it in additional demanding  scenes as they’ll do a better job of the process than the phone itself. Thus no matter if Apple adds RAW option within the camera app or not, there are attending to be third-party camera apps to permit capturing DNG images on this and future iPhones.

We already detected that iOS 10 can enable you to uninstall a number of the default apps and can emable third-party apps to use Live Photos. a lot of and a lot of options are being revealed because the developers are dissecting the new dev kits and OS previews, thus keep tuned for a lot of information.

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