Canon Eos 200D II has been launched in India, the japanese company’s latest DSLR under its “beginner” section . this is often the successor to the Eos 200D and features enhancements on the lines of the image processor, video, and advanced options like the addition of Eye AF. The camera goes on sale in the week in India with a beginning worth of Rs. 52,995 for the body and also the EF-S18-55 IS stm kit lens. you’ll be able to additionally club a EF-S55-250 IS stm camera lens, for a complete value of Rs. 65,995.
Canon’s new Eos 200D II is positioned as a light-weight and compact DSLR for beginners. In fact, it’s supposed to be the company’s lightest DSLR with a vari-angle touchscreen display, weighing just 449g. It options a 24.1-megapixel APS-C CMOS sensor with Canon’s latest Digic 8 image processor. You get a complete of 9 autofocus points, similar to the older model, together with twin pel optical device for fast focusing. The ISO range is 100-25,600 (expandable to 51,200), 5fps burst shooting with One-Shot AF or 3.5fps with Servo AF. The camera also can shoot full-HD video up to 60fps or 4K video at 25fps. you furthermore may get a 4K timelapse operate and there is stereo recording. The Eos 200D II accepts one Coyote State card however only up to UHS-I speeds.
The 3-inch touchscreen incorporates a slightly low 1.04 million dot resolution however it may be flipped 180-degrees, outwards, thus shooting selfies or vlogging ought to be easier. there is additionally built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth property for syncing with a smartphone. one in all the attention-grabbing options of this camera although, is creative Assist, that is geared toward serving to novice shooters edit and improve their images. It permits you to alter the background blur, brightness, contrast, colours, and even add effects like Fish-eye, etc. you also get lots of scene modes to choose from, one in all them being smooth Skin, that adds a varying degrees of skin smoothening.