
Facebook and Messenger apps for Windows 10 Mobile now requires 2 GB RAM

Facebook and Messenger apps for Windows 10 Mobile now demands 2 GB RAMFacebook and Messenger apps for Windows 10 Mobile now demands 2 GB RAM

Facebook and Messenger apps for Windows 10 Mobile now demands 2 GB RAM

Facebook has found an inventive answer for the issues their Windows 10 Mobile Universal applications are having. The authority Facebook and Messenger applications for Windows 10 Mobile, which are coded in Facebook’s own particular cross-stage dialect, has been having a few issues, including being moderate and inert on occasion, not reacting to touch at all or smashing.

Presently Facebook has upgraded the base prerequisites for the application, requesting no less than 2 GB of RAM.

Obviously for Lumia 950 proprietors this is not an issue by any means, but rather for some mid-run handsets moved up to Windows 10 this will be a specific issue, and a few handsets like the Lumia 550 and Lumia 650 which are still generally new won’t have admittance to this foundational cell phone application.

Gratefully until further notice clients with under 2 GB RAM are still ready to download and introduce the application, however are presently no more drawn out ready to survey it.Ideally the issue is impermanent and Facebook plans to enhance the applications sooner rather than later.

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