Google Maps is Google’s free mapping service that allows you to search for addresses and directions. You can also use this service to find a wide range of restaurants, hotels, theaters, shops, and other establishments in a given area.
Google Maps offers map images as well as satellite photos from around the world and even the route between different locations.
How To Find the Address of a Place Through Google Maps
In the search field, type the address you want to find, and click Search (magnifying glass button):
The address you are looking for will appear to the left of the map.
N.B. It is not necessary to know the zip code of a city to use Google Maps. When you search for locations with the same name, Google Maps offers you several options.
For example, if you type Santiago in the search field, you will get several possible results:
You can also reduce the number of results by limiting the search to the visible geographical area.
For example, on the map, zoom in on Madrid and update the search for Santiago; you will see that the number of results has decreased.
Once an address is located, a bubble appears on the map itself. If you click Save, the current map is saved and you can check it at any time in the My maps tab. (N.B. to use this function, you need to have a Google account.) A click on Nearby shows a search field in which you can type any term, such as the name of a restaurant or a category of shops (pizzeria, florist, jewelry, etc.).
When Google Maps finds places or commercial establishments corresponding to your keywords, small colored bubbles containing a letter appear on the map. The coordinates of all of the places found will appear to the left of the map. The latter are also identified by a letter, making it easier to find them on the map.