Google Brings Augmented Reality (AR) in Search Results

Google announced features in Google Search that utilize Google Lens and augmented reality (AR).

The new options use a mix of the camera, computer vision, and AR to overlay data and content onto one’s physical surroundings.

Later this month, AR options are rolling come in search results permitting users to look at and act with 3D objects.

Using a smartphone, individuals will seek for a 3D model and place it in their physical area with their phone’s viewfinder.

Here’s an example showing however you’ll search for an animal and get an option to view it in 3D and AR

[agg-gif id=”10531″ autoplay=”true” align=”center”]

Google Brings increased Reality to look Results There also are sensible uses for this technology. as an example, the retailer Wayfair uses AR in its app to let shoppers see however piece of furniture would look in their home.

In fact, Wayfair is one amongst many partners operating directly with Google to own its 3D models surfaced in search results.

Other partners include:

  • NASA
  • New Balance
  • Samsung
  • Target
  • Visible Body
  • Volvo and more

New Google Lens features

Google Lens, accessible from the search bar in Google’s mobile app, is getting an upgrade to supply additional visual answers to visual queries.

Here are a couple of of the updates to Google Lens that area unit on the way:

  • Restaurant menu search: point Google Lens at a menu and obtain data regarding dishes, together with reviews and photos.
  • Automatic translations: purpose Google Lens at text and translate it into over a hundred languages.
  • Text-to-speech: purpose Google Lens at text and it can be read aloud to you.
  • Google notes that the text-to-speech feature can 1st be discharged on the scaled down Google Go app before being delivered to the main app.
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