Google I/0 – Allo & Duo

Google wants come back with people communicate with each other and “Allo” will do just that, by implementing AI (artificial intelligence) elements with every day communication. “Duo”, a new video calling app, has also been announced. Both of these apps will be available to iOS and Android users this summer.


Allo is Google’s new messaging app that uses your phone number to find other friends who are also on Allo( which is similar to whats app). It offers to send messages and more expressive with stickers, emoji, Ink, and Whisper Shout, which lets you enlarge text to “WhisperShout” in conversations.


Allo have a Smart Reply built into it which learns how you answer to messages and images with people and can predict what kind of answers you might reply to a friend’s messages with( just like the predictive text). “The more you use Allo, the more ‘you’ the suggestions become.” Smart Reply will able to analyze photos you’re sent in order to suggest the right kind of replies. For example, if you’re sent a picture of a taco, Smart Reply might suggest you reply with “yummy” or “I love tacos”.



Allo also bring the Google Now assistant directly into the conversations. You’ll be able to bring Google searches into conversations with your friends in case you want to show something to a friend(just like Google keyboard), check sports scores, or search for restaurants. Allo includes a personal assistant too, you can chat with an AI-powered bot that will help you find out about stocks, sports, or an ongoing flight.allo_3

And finally, because of the AI involved, Google wants to protect your privacy and offers with end-to-end encryption and discreet notifications. Hangouts offers a similar function that’s been around since the days of Google Talk, and that was to chat with someone ‘off the record’ so to speak.


Duo promises to be a fast video calling app with connections of all types of devices between Android and iOS users. And just like Allo, Duo is also based on your phone number so you can communicate with your contacts who already have Allo.Duo 1

Duo features a new kind of feature called “knock knock” that lets recipients stream the caller’s feed even before answering the video call. Video will be offered HD up to 720p and will automatically adjust the quality depending on whether the user has an unstable connection or connected to a spotty tower and can seamlessly transition calls between cellular and Wi-Fi data.

Both Allo and Duo will launch for Android and iOS in the summer 2016. Google Hangouts has been transformed into a two products for now. Eventually we have to test Google do successfully with a messaging platform that also incorporates SMS into the mix. Just like it doesn’t turn into another Hangouts/SMS merging confusion.


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