Google I/O – Android Wear 2.0

Android Wear grew extremely quick in the 2 years of its existence. At Google I/O 2016, the company showcased parts of the most recent android Wear 2.0 and it appearance refreshed.

With the latest version of Android Wear, smartwatches running it will be fully standalone and will not need a smartphone as a companion. Devices will switch between automatically to Wi-Fi networks and cellular Network once you  are in or out.

The biggest change comes within the style, though. Google released new and increased Material design tips for Wear 2.0. You can check them within the supply link below.

Android Wear can be out there later today as a developer preview. It’s only compatible with the LG Watch Urbane Seccond Edition LTE and the Huawei Watch. Android wear 2.0 update will be coming other wear devices later on, like the LG G Watch and Samsung Gear Live.

Expect the update to become widely out there some time within the fall. Not but not least Android Wear 2.0 introduces new input methods as well as standalone apps.

Android Wear 2.0 developer

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