Google release the list of OEM for Android Update

Do you know “fragmentation” is, that’s most likely the biggest downside to Google has with android when it involves software updates, because there are so many different manufacturers that manufacture android phones, there’s no affordable way for Google to stay track of all the phones whether or not or not they’re updated.

This is where Apple beat Google. Because Apple has management of both software and hardware of its mobile product running iOS, it’s able to release updates from time to time, to all its product at the same time. Google has control over the hardware with it’s Nexus devices. These are the devices are updated to the latest version of android to time to time.

According to Bloomberg, two people are in-charge that Google keeps track off, and ranks OEMs and carriers based on how they put out updates for the android OS and monthly security patches.
Google android update vs ios
There is lots and lot of pressure on Google to make this ranking list to pubic by both the FCC and customers when it involves having the newest android release on smartphones. Releasing this list puts more pressure on OEMs and carriers who take an extended time to release updates for their android devices.

With hacking and snooping has become strong, security turning into more essential for our lives. it’s crucial that phones, devices, and computers to need be up-to-date with the latest software to fix vulnerabilities that hackers may potentially target and breach sensitive information.
We cannot blame the Android or Google, due to Open Source platform, it is mainly upto the manufactures, but it is nearly vast different hardware that exist in market today. If you need to have updated software every now and then you may have to buy Google Nexus line smartphone. Android is more open to manufacture they have updated plans for their devices but may be slow, you may consider the HTC band where they pledge they can offer new software in 15 days after Google releases.

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