How to Password protect a Word Document

If our workflow involves storing sensitive information on Microsoft Word or other Office apps, we want to think about password protecting our documents. For example, we want to store a Word document containing sensitive information during a public folder for others to simply access. During this case, we most likely should encrypt the file and share the password only with people who got to access the document. Here this article we explained how to password protect a Word document.

Microsoft Word: Password protect a document on Windows

It is always recommended to place a secure password on our documents that contain sensitive information. Here, we follow some steps to password protect our Word document on Windows.

Step 1

 First, initiate Microsoft Word on Windows and open a document.

how to password protect a word document

Step 2

Then, we Go to Prepare and click Encrypt Document.

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Step 3

Here we enter our desired password and click OK. Again we will include to re-enter our password to confirm, do that and hit OK.

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Step 4

Finally, we have password protected to our Word document. Next, when we close and reopen our document, it won’t open without entering the password.

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Microsoft Word: Password protect a document on Mac

Step 1

Open document, from the Word tab select Preferences.

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Step 2

Next, click on the Security icon placed under the “Personal Settings” options.

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Step 3

Next, we enter our desired password in the “password to open:” field.  It is suggested that we use a strong password.  Once we completed, click OK.

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Step 4

Again we entered our confirm password then we click OK.

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Step 5

Finally we encrypted our word document, the password will be necessary to open it.

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