Motorola has announced festive offers on its products in India; this offer will be valid from October 14th to 21st at all retail stores across the country. It is offering heavy discounts, 0% EMI offer, free 4G Jio data across a range of Motorola devices. Below are the offer prices of the Moto smartphones during the sale period.
- Moto Z2 Play which is currently selling for Rs. 27,999 will be available for Rs. 24,999 (Rs. 3000 off)
- The latest Moto G5S which was launched at Rs. 13,999 is now available for Rs. 12999 (Rs. 1000 off)
- Moto M 4GB + 64GB variant which was launched last year at Rs. 15,999 is now available for Rs. 12999 (Rs. 3000 off)
- The Moto G5 Plus 32GB will be available for Rs. 13999 with a discount of Rs. 1000
- The Moto G5 will also be on sale for Rs. 10999 which is Rs. 1000 discount on its original price tag.
- Finally, the Moto E4 will be available for Rs. 8199 giving you a discount of Rs. 800
Apart from these discounts, Motorola is also said to offer No Cost EMIs Options with Zero Processing Fee options through Bajaj Finance & Home Credit and also 100GB Jio 4G data. Customers buying the Moto Z2 Play will get 50% off on JBL Soundboost MOD, Free Armor Kit additionally.