The Moto E4 and Moto E4 Plus smartphones were launched worldwide last month. On Wednesday, the Moto E4 Plus was launched at an event in New Delhi, revealing price and availability details for India. The Moto E4 Plus will be available only on Flipkart from 11:59pm IST on Wednesday itself. Alongside, the company confirmed the offline launch of the Moto E4 in India, priced at Rs. 8,999. To recall, retailers had in early July announced availability and price of the smartphone, and now Moto says the smartphone will be available across the country from Wednesday itself.
As we know, the big highlight of the Moto E4 Plus is its 5000mAh battery. It sports a metal back with a circular camera frame and antenna lines. There is a Motorola batwing logo and a speaker grille also situated at the back of the smartphone.The smartphone has a Home Button in the front with the fingerprint sensor packed underneath, and the volume and power keys are both situated on the right edge of the smartphone. The 3.5mm audio jack is seen residing on top and the Moto E4 Plus. While the US variant has a water repellent nano-coating, Lenovo confirmed that Indian variant doesn’t. The company is touting the One Key Nav feature on the fingerprint sensor.
Moto E4 Plus price in India is Rs. 9,999. The smartphone has been launched in its 3GB RAM/ 32GB storage variant in India. The company has chosen to forego the 2GB RAM/ 16GB storage variant in the country. As we mentioned, the smartphone will go on sale via Flipkart from 11:59pm IST on Wednesday the full specifications of Moto E4 plus
The company has also detailed a host of launch day offers – Moto E4 Plus buyers will get the Moto Pulse 2 headphones at a discounted price of Rs. 749 (down from Rs. 1,599); a free 2-month subscription to Hotstar Premium; Idea subscribers will get 84GB data for 3 months at Rs. 443; Jio subscribers will get Jio Prime + 30GB additional data, and, an exchange offer up to Rs. 9,000 is being offered on the phone. A Buyback Guarantee of up to Rs. 4,000 was also announced, while buyers will also get 20 percent off on Flipkart SmartBuy products.