Android Police got their hands on some very convincing GIFs that show an allegedly redesigned launcher to debut on this year’s new Nexus marlin and Sailfish handsets. we still don’t recognize a lot of regarding the handsets themselves except for a couple of mock-ups here and there.The launcher in question may well be reflective of the ultimate release, but is subject to vary as we tend to close to the Nexus device refresh and impending release of android nougat 7.0.
As shortly as you see the screenshots, you’ll notice there’s not a Google Search bar. it’s been replaced by a tab which will be pulled out or tapped on so as to access either Google now by sliding from the left as you do currently, otherwise you will access the Google Search bar by tapping on the “G” icon.
It also appearance as if pull this “G” tab would have another function, however the launcher demonstration wasn’t running on finalized android nougat software, deeming this action useless in its current state. this suggests it’s going to be reserved for a few new Google Assistant function.
The second factor you’ll notice is that the lack of an app drawer icon. this is because the app drawer is being given a true drawer action. so as to access your apps, you’ll got to pull up on the lower dock of the launcher, revealing your entire app drawer.