How to Remove the Underline Under the Links in HTML/CSS?

By default, HTML hyperlinks are underlined. However, if you wish to deactivate this feature and display your hyperlinks as non-underlined text, you can do so using the CSS.

This article will walk you through the necessary steps.

Display Non-Underlined Links Using CSS

To remove the underline from HTML links, simply enter the following code in the CSS:

<style type="text/css">  

N.B. Pseudo-class: link allows you to target only the hyperlinks (<a href=””>) and anchors (<a name=””>) and is not compulsory.

Display Non-Underlined Links Using CSS Via a Class

If you want the style to apply to particular links, simply define a specific class for links that you wish not to be underlined. You may do so using the following code:

<style type="text/css">   
a.nounderline: link   
Text-decoration: none;   
</ style>   
<style type="text/css">  

Display Non-Underlined Links Using CSS Online

Finally, if you do not want to define a style sheet, you can simply set the style online with the following style attribute:

<a href="/" style="text-decoration:none">Text of link</a>

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