
Samsung released pre-emptive statement on Galaxy S7 batteries

Samsung issues pre-emptive statement on Galaxy S7 batteriesSamsung issues pre-emptive statement on Galaxy S7 batteries

Samsung issues pre-emptive statement on Galaxy S7 batteries

Samsung has issued a marginally odd pre-emptive articulation on the batteries found in Galaxy S7 arrangement of cell phones. Expressing the organization “remains behind the quality and wellbeing of the Galaxy S7 family” the short note goes ahead to state that “there have been no affirmed instances of inside battery disappointments with these gadgets among the more than 10 million gadgets being utilized by customers as a part of the United States.”

As you may have seen around the web as of late, a couple of stories of detonating Galaxy S7 and S7 Edges have circle. In any case, for all intents and purposes these have happened in the result of the Note 7 review, when any account of a Samsung telephone ablaze hits the front page of each versatile site or innovation segment in a daily paper, regardless of the possibility that that fire is the proprietor’s blame.

Samsung takes note of that the organization has “affirmed various examples brought on by extreme outer harm” – these are likely the S7s you’ve seen standing out as truly newsworthy as of late. Be that as it may, “until Samsung can acquire and look at any gadget, it is difficult to decide the genuine reason for any episode”.

Shockingly, telephones burst into flames here and there. Batteries swell and hole, parts cut off, break and margarine fingered proprietors don’t help things along either. In any case, as the announcement says, until testing should be possible on any harmed gadgets it’s best not to hop to any fiery conclusions.

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