Google is praising its eighteenth birthday with a birthday party themed Doodle. The letter G explodes an inflatable, distorts it into the Google logo, then ...
As we approach nearer to the dispatch of the Google leader telephones this year, there are hypotheses coasting online around two new gadgets which will don the ...
You can now play Solitaire and Tic-Tac-Toe minigames straightforwardly in Google's search results.To get to the new minigames, you simply need to hunt down ...
Google will soon rank sites with clumsy interstitials ads lower than those which are more responsible, the company announced today. The change will affect ...
Google has shared some fascinating statistics associated with its Android Security Rewards program, that was more to the company's Vulnerability Rewards ...
Google has taken the material design into Desktop by redesign the Google Search. The design is taken cue from mobile and individual card like style, which is ...
Do you know “fragmentation” is, that’s most likely the biggest downside to Google has with android when it involves software updates, because there are so many ...
If you recall, back last year's Google I/O conference 2015, Google introduced us to Project Abacus, an effort aimed at ditching passwords-based logins in favor ...
Google I/O the search giant has made the best event apart from targeting the main stream market as well as the low end spectrum. We had a Daydream VR platform, ...
Google is pushing there 3rd beta for the android N developer preview, which is going to be buggy software, like other release this is also going to be OTA ...
Google VR cardboard has been huge success, at Google I/O 50 million VR app were installed on the Cardboard Platform. While comparing it to the last year it was ...
Google is bringing the Play store to the Chromebook. This is conformed at the Google I/O in form of a session. The description as been pulled of by the but ...
Google has announced that Android Auto app will be fully accessible through your phone’s screen and will no longer require exeternal platform. All you need is ...
Google wants come back with people communicate with each other and "Allo" will do just that, by implementing AI (artificial intelligence) elements with every ...
Google Android N is coming this fall under heavy development. However, Google doesn't have an official name for the latest Android version just yet. And you ...
The recent rumors were true about Google developing Amazon Echo competitor. At its developer conference in Google I/O, Google has announced Google Home, a ...
Android N Daydream a VR platform. This is essentially the name for Google's new VR platform which will be a part of android itself.Daydream will be the ...
Google just said in its app updates blog that Microsoft Exchange support is coming to the Android Gmail app. Gmail now allowed Yahoo mail, Outlook and other ...
Microsoft Azure : Smart devices like Amazon Echo and Nest thermostats are only as intelligent because the information behind them. Otherwise, they are simply ...
In 2010, Oracle had sued Google over their use of Java as a basis for android. The case keeps doping up within the news from time to time as and once there’s a ...