In a bid to create better online awareness about the government's Digital India initiative, Twitter in collaboration with the Ministry of Electronics and ...
Twitter is exploring adding a feature that would let users flag tweets that contain misleading, false, or harmful information, according to two people familiar ...
In line with its goal of having six percent or more under-represented minorities in leadership roles, Twitter has hired Castleberry Singleton to lead its ...
Disney has had discusses a potential obtaining of Twitter, we've affirmed. They're working with brokers now to figure out if the arrangement bodes well, ...
Twitter increases GIF : One of the foremost fun ways to communicate is using animated GIFs or graphics interchange format. Twitter had added GIFs to its list ...
Twitter initally hinted at its new ad unit plan throughout CES 2016, however did not very get in too much detail. Now, many months later, it appears the social ...
Facebook already uses facial-recognition technology to counsel tags on photos uploaded by users; Google (GOOG, Fortune 500) has similar technology for its ...